News Vol.13

This is Jun Shiraishi! How are you doing everyone?

Autumn is coming! I am excited to see the colorful autumn leaves this year.
What do you like to do in Autumn? I love to read books, watch movies, and I also love playing
the guitar like Eric Clapton or Fukuyama Masaharu, who is one of the most famous Japanese singer.

In UR housing, Autumn campaign has just started!
The campaign will allow a new renter to pay only 1 month deposit on the day of the contract
and pay the other 2 months deposit the following year.

The campaign has started on September 3rd(Saturday) and will last until November 27th(Sunday)
Please take advantage of this campaign if you are thinking of changing your place!


1) Japanese phrase of the week!
2) Popular UR-Apartments
3) Lifestyle Info

 1) Japanese phrase of the week

“… を日本語で何と言いますか。” (…wo nihongo de nanto imasu ka)

The phrase means “How do say ___ in Japanese?” This is very useful when you
are starting to learn Japanese. You can use the word “これ” or “this” to ask a Japanese
to teach you the word. “これを日本語で何と言いますか?” (Kore wo nihongo de nanto imasu ka?)
Try using it to your friend!

 2) Popular UR-Apartments

To access the links below, please use the following information:
ユーザー名/username: ws
パスワード/password: ws

◆ Nishikasai Area
– Kojimacho-2chome ⇒ Known for its affordable price and convenience,
this UR-apartment is a very popular place among individuals and families from India.
*Floor plan > 1DK
*Floor area > 36 sq. m
*Monthly rent + Maintenance fee > 71 + 2K
*Features > All flooring, south-east facing, middle floor

◆ Ojima Area
– City Court Ojima ⇒ Apartment very close to the station and 20 minutes access to Shinjuku station.
Facilities like Nursery school, High school and Hospital are near the area.
*Floor plan > 2DK
*Floor area > 52 sq. m
*Monthly rent + Maintenance fee > 130 + 3K
*Features > one tatami and one flooring room, South facing, lower floor

◆ Kawasaki Area
– Urban View Kawasaki ⇒ A 10 year-old apartment located 3 minutes to the station.
A very convenient place to live for people working either in Yokohama or in Tokyo.
*Floor plan > 2LDK
*Floor area > 64 sq. m
*Monthly rent + Maintenance fee > 167 + 6K
*Features > All flooring, South facing, higher floor

◆Other popular UR-Apartments around Tokyo:

 3) Lifestyle Information

◆ Mover
– Aida Transport –
Aida san is one friendly and very kind transporter with reasonable price.
He had supported many of our foreigner customers for the transfer of their belongings.
Contact number: 090-9395-9368(English Available)

◆ Hospital
– St. Luke’s International Hospital (聖路加国際病院) –
One of the first modern English hospitals in Tokyo. Facilities include dental,
psychiatry and women’s medical
services. Care in English and Japanese. Also know as Sei Luka Kokusai Byoin.
Location: 9-1 Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku (中央区明石町9-1)
Contact number: 03-3541-5151
Station: Tsukuji (metro exits 3, 4)

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Please visit our company profile on facebook and Like!
You can read some funny episodes and heart-warming stories with our customers from us!
You can also see pictures of rooms that you cannot see on our website!


When and where can I receive the key?


News Vol.14