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Itsumo arigato gozaimasu and have a great week!
Team-Whitestone: 080-4686-9544(Whatsapp)
◆Kiba 3chome just 5mins walk to Thatva International school, 9mins from Kiba station!
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◎3LDK, 72sqm, 164+3K, 2F ,AC and stove ※full renovated ⭐️New!
◆Tamachi, 13mins walk
◎2LDK, 66sqm, 172+3K, 7F, with 3 AC and stove ⭐️New!

◆Other Areas and more!
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If you or your friends have any interest on, pls share kindly.
We serve UR Housing for 15 years for all careers who works in abroad.
Itsumo arigato gozaimasu and have a great week!
Team-Whitestone: 080-4686-9544(Whatsapp)
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