Ward Office Location (区役所)


Koto Ward Office
Address: 〒135-8383 江東区東陽4-11-28 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-3647-9111

Edogawa Ward Office
Address: 〒132-8501 江戸川区中央1-4-1 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-3652-1151

Shinagawa Ward Office
Address: 〒140-8715 品川区広町2-1-36 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-3777-1111

Setagaya Ward Office
Address: 〒154-8504 世田谷区世田谷4-21-27 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-5432-1111

Minato Ward Office
Address: 〒105-8511 港区芝公園1-5-25 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-3578-2111

Ota Ward Office
Address: 〒144-8621 大田区鎌田5-13-14 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 03-5744-2111


Yokohama City Office
Address: 〒231-0005 横浜市中区本町6-50-10 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 – 17:15
Phone number: 045-671-2121
※ The city office has relocated to the current address as of June 29th 2022.

Kawasaki City Office
Address: 〒210-8577 川崎市川崎区宮本町1 ★MAP★
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:00
Phone number: 044-200-2111

Procedure for relocation:

When moving within the same ward:

  • Visit the ward office with your residence card and fill out the “Notification of Change of Address” at the counter.
  • This notification must be submitted within 14 days after moving in to your new address.

When moving to a different ward or prefecture:

  • Visit the CURRENT ward office with your residence card and fill out the “Notification of Moving Out” at the counter.
  • This notification must be submitted within 14 days before or after moving in to your new address.
    • This notification form will be required for the next process, so it is recommended to be completed ASAP.
  • Visit the NEW ward office with your residence card and “Notification of Moving Out” that you received from the previous ward office, and fill out the “Notification of Moving In” at the counter.
  • This notification must be submitted within 14 days after moving in to your new address.

IMPORTANT: If you are moving in with your spouse and/or family for the first time in Japan, the ward office will require you to bring the official marriage certificate and/or birth certificate of your children documented by your home country.


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