What is the procedure for leaving process?

★14 day leaving notice is required.
★Please collect the forms at your local management office where you firstly got the keys.


You will need to fill out the forms and give it back to them, they will then give you back the original copy for your reference.

Sample Forms are attached below.

1.Leaving date・退去日

2.New address・移転先

3.Deposit refund bank account number・敷金返金先口座番号(only in Japan)

4.Room check date・査定日(they will suggest some options and you can chose one of them)

5.Deposit transfer claim with registration number of new house 仮予約受付番号(引継ぎ住戸)
Note: Once you complete and submit the documents to the management office with your signature, you CANNOT change your leaving date. Please be careful in writing the forms.



Leaving Notice

Repair Cost Bill

Remittance Request